Day 8, Day 9, Day 10 - WFH
These 3 days have been more of Working from Hotel as our Clients had some conferences wherein we were not required. Hence, we worked from home to make the Business Plan and other deliverables for increasing the efficiency of the YKL.
Monday - We had the Harvard Business Assignment Session. We completed it in an hour. Good inputs to make creative side Vegetarian Dishes and Plans for our Assignment.
We started with an hour session of Stair Walking and Yoga today in the evening and decided to have it everyday.
Tuesday - Same situation. We had other team also working from the Hotel. We worked for the whole day and evening was excercise time.
Wednesday - Morning breakfast starts with a funny incident: As usual, I took bread, put in some butter, then pineapple jam and last with choclate crumbs. There were 2 men standing closeby and one of them said to other 'Kya yaar sabh kuch lagayegi kya' (Means - Will she put everything). Other replied - 'Arey yaar yeh videshi log barey pyar se khatey hain' (Means - Hey, these foreigners eat with lots of love etcc.. ). I was laughing, coz. they were talking in Hindi thinking that I don't know Hindi. So, I said - 'Mujhe Hindi aatee hai'. (Means - I know Hindi). They were all red and shocked. That was so funny. So, it tells us that be careful before we speak and before we assume something.
Today we went the Education Team to meet the school children. Kids are really smart. They tried to ask some questions in English. Also, they love the song 'Chaiyan Chaiyan'. We introduced ourselves that we are from India - Shahrukh Khan - Chaiyan Chaiyan. Also we taught Chicken Dance to two of the classes. Back to Hotel and work. and evening was Excercise Session.
Ended with dinner and plans/discussions for tomorrow.
See you. Good Night! Keep Reading.. :)
Interesting stories Nitu :) Put pictures in your blog too!!