her, for all the great work she does, the way she takes care of the family, the way she is growing in her career and many more things which if laid down will take pages from my end.

But, I just have one question is it just for one day - March 8th??
Let me try to put my thoughts via different phases of our life.
There are still regions in India or maybe even outside India where a cute little infant baby girl doesn't even get an opportunity to see her mother as she is killed inside the womb itself. Do I need to talk anything on this event of life? Just a question. Why???
Let's move ahead to next phase: School/College Girls
Luckily in cities, we are getting an opportunity to study and grow in life. Villages are sad on that end also. Very few girls are lucky enough who are allowed to study and grow. Most of the other ones get married even before they realize that they exist. Again Why?
Giving an example of myself - my father and mother always wanted their daughter to study and do well in life so that I am self sufficient and never forced me to learn cooking or do any specific work. It was on me to do what I wanted to do. But, I heard many of our relatives/neighbors calling out to my parents that Sharmaji, this is wrong and...................... And I agree today, that I am not a great cook but I can cook to an extent that no one will remain hungry and I cook only when required. It's not my hobby. If you don't know cooking; are you not a good girl?? Do I come in bad girl's category?
Does man know everything???
Let's move to the next phase - Marriage
Each girl on this earth has the dream of getting married, leading a happy - loving life with her husband. But not many are lucky at this end. There are cases where she is burnt to death coz. of dowry; there are cases where she has to move out due to some or the other reason in her married life.
And dear friends, in any scenario; eyes are raised on girl's character. Why???
In each phase; I am not saying man are always wrong but dear friends; I want that don't be biased in saying that women have to be and are always wrong?

Normal scenarios:
When the child does something wrong; everyone points finger at the Mother. Is father not required or involved in child's upbringing. Why is mother only at fault or why can't child be at fault?
When she moves out of her marriage; what does this society say - Must be girl's mistake. Can't you wait to understand the plight she has gone through or why can't it be man coz of whom all this happened?
When she gets raped; again our society calls out - Must be girl's mistake. Imagine the state of this girl and on top of this such sentences. Will any girl ask for this to happen to herself?

When she is not able to handle the situations; she tries to kill herself - Again around you; this society will comment - She was only wrong that's why she killed herself.
Awesome. Do you want to say Women is equivalent to Wrong??? If this is the thought process, March 8th or any other date doesn't make any difference?
These are just some examples but how can we be always wrong and then one day in this year everyone appreciates us. What an irony? Why are we tested at each phase of out life?? Why no one tries to understand the reason behind each event and by default the variable of mistakes is set as women?
Out of millions; only few hundreds can survive real bad scenarios. I agree we can take inspiration from each one of those who started life in rags and now are millionaires; who could climb the Everest; who could fight the goons. But, do you think each girl is able to do this?
There are millions of cries which are not even heard out of the 4 walls?
What about those women? They don't know the difference between March 8th or March 9th. Each day/night is same for them.
Why can't we have safe, loving environment around us. Why can't man learn and instead of appreciating just on one single day - just be loving, caring, understanding each moment of life.
It's the man who need to learn and become mature in life.
She does so much as someone wrote on FB: Salute her for everything she does, (cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents,bringing up your children, earning, advising you, ensuring you can be relaxed, maintaining all family relations, everything that benefit you.....sometimes at the cost of her own health , hobbies and beauty.
Very Happy Women's day not to just Women but to Men also!!!
God created someone who is Wise, only know to love , make sacrifices , encourages and never gives up ,
i.e. Women.
No...women should have equal right of living.......leading and in everything.............