Even today I do have, somewhere deep in the brains or in the heart,belief on this connection between what is happening in our lives and reason for which are these stars and astrology. But, for sure, there is a doubt now..Hmmm...let me try to recall some instances in my life and some in my friends' lives.
When I was a kiddoo, going to the school. As usual, not studying before hand and getting tensed a day before the exam. Sitting in front of the God, I used to pray "God, this time. Please save me. Pls...From next time, I swear, will study hard from day 1 and will not trouble you, Pls, God. Pls................." Big tears from my eyes used to melt my dear God and hence at the end I used to get good marks. Thanks to HIM!!!
One day, I heard one of my friends saying that when she was crying the other day before her exams; her brother explained her one simple thing - You are wasting your time by crying. You can use the same time to study and give your best. There will be situations in life when these tears will not be able to help you. You will have to be bold enough to face the world. And, Once, you are sure, that you have given your best, just say to God - "Hey God, I have tried my level best. Now. I leave on you. Please help me and do the best for me". I really liked this. Till date, I have been following this along with the on and off cries in front of the God. Things have worked and if they haven't worked, I thought, maybe it was not for me and God knew the best so I didn't get it and will surely get the best later.
Grew from childhood to teens to adult hood with this small funda of life, trying to look at the positive side of whatever was happening. Trying my level best to get the best, to do the best in each aspect of life, career, studies, family, friends....Always being optimistic of the things and keeping that smiling face always on....coz, whatever was happening was happening for a reason, so not to worry just keep giving your best....Many things happened in between. Let's skip the autobiography of myself.. :)))
Class 11th which decides what and how you will be moving in your life. I took PCMB which is considered to be one of the toughest selections. Took it, did well in boards but could not fulfill the dreams of seeing myself saving the lives of others. Went for Engineering, the next line which was never the plan; never dreamt to be one, but I graduated as an Electronics Engineer. Sometimes, I used to think, Somebody had rightly said --->"Whatever happens, happens for Good". Maybe I would not have been a good doctor and God knew this so, he took the right decision for me.
graduation, 2008-09 recession time getting the job with the
God's grace.
Finally landed up in my current company.
Most of all this said above has happened with all of us. Some of my
friends, faced some of the really bad times of life. And being their
friend, I always kept saying that something really good is in store for
you. If some body's love life was in a bad shape due to some or the
other reason, my response in handling it was trying to look in future
and being optimistic and positive. I could talk to them for hours trying
to pull them out of all those negative thoughts and saying that If
something has to go, it will go;don't hold it as its not yours and all
those fundas..which we keep liking on FB.
There are many more such instances which can be outlined...

Even if he tries to come out of it, he is not able to. Does this Shani kee Sadesati concept exists??? That means, if some body's life has started to move down, it will keep moving down for years??? Why??? Why ??? Till the Moon or Sun God will not move from this position to the next position.
Why some body's patience is tested to the level that the person can breakdown? Is there any learning in actual in this process of Sine Curve of God? There are many such questions which keep coming in my mind, seeing and listening to my friends and hence the conflict to believe the belief which has been there always with me since childhood that whatever happens, happens for a reason and something better of the best in in store for myself and one day I will get my share of happiness; but here I want to ask if a person looses all the patience and his hopes of rising up one day, then what is this Better of the Best???

I agree with the lines that success is sweeter after all the struggle and success is more valued and you will understand what smile is etccc......................................................But............Why????