Travelling for hours on the Delhi Roads, made me think about these immovable items which keep standing 24*7 and provide selfless service to each one of us. Most of the times, we abuse, hate and just show our anger to them but they will still blink and smile at us. Lot to learn from them.
Here goes something in their own words.
I am the same thing which makes you either stop or pick up the speed on the roads.
I am the same thing which comes in your life on and off. Sometimes, you welcome me with open hands, but otherwise you just shove off and hate me the most.
Could you guess by now? Who am I?
Very Right...I am the Red Signal.
I am sure; you all have encountered me in your life at some or the other point of time in actual or in literal terms. Maybe everyday and in every important decision or phase of your life.

Getting on to my Road friends whom I meet everyday rushing from here and there. I am almost deaf coz. of your honking and now I have migraine coz. of you, but nobody takes care or even thinks once before honking or flying across me.

Whom should I listen?? Now, if I keep blinking, one of you will start using some lovely words for me and if I allow my sister to start blinking, the other friend of mine will either hit somebody and will have to update his FB via hell or heaven or will be slapped by his girlfriend for not getting the rose. What and where is my mistake? But, please understand me, it’s not in my hand to either keep or stop blinking. I am completely controlled by some rules, similar to the way your life is controlled.
Standing there all day and night, I have seen all types of emotions of yours ---> smiles, laughter, cries, sadness, anger, shouts, abuses, everything and all at the same time. As is said, life is big circle and all these fillings are fillers here and there, but we all have to live and enjoy this life along with these fillers. My dear friends, I am of the same color which is the sign of both love and anger. I just follow the changes of your emotions. Sometimes, some of you get drunk, hit me. You and your car goes for repairs, but nobody even feels anything for me. I still keep standing there, smiling and blinking. Sometimes, I feel I am the licensed eve teaser who teases each one of you day and night and no policeman ever says anything to me, instead look forward for my winks.
But, as you sometimes either love or hate me depending on the situation. I just wish, you don’t have any pre-conceived notion of either feeling for me.
If this is the not the case for me, then why are you so judgemental for certain things and people around you?? If somebody has hurt you, done wrong to you, you start hating the person and it makes sense to do the same. Agreed, but not forever. He/She did wrong to you. You are a common person, and it makes sense to be angry, abuse and hate him. But, if you keep doing so forever, not even indirectly, you are directly hurting yourself. Let the things go off. You never know, the person might have changed and when you meet him next time, take that as the present and act accordingly. Things go wrong and sometimes, right because you don’t have the control over them, as I don’t have on my blinking.
Next time, and that will be today for sure, when you see me, please don’t hate me. I am there for you, just for you. Standing all alone, getting tanned in the sun, soaked in the rain and feeling cold but with no pre-conceived notions. I love you all and see you all with the same eye and complete my duties and responsibilities with full dedication and sincerity towards you. I am very much part n parcel of your life.
As somebody has said:
“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final”
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final”
I wish you could fall in love with me(traffic lights), so that you would know if you should go for it, slow down, or just stop! Enjoy winking.