Weekend n Again a weekend n a Special Weekend!!!
Weekend started with a bad note. There have been demonstrations in Indonesia and in our city - Maksaar also since last one week due to which many of us have not been able ot go to our clients place and worked from Hotel. But we were waiting for the weekend. For the weekend, there were two plans for the team:
First was the Bira Beach which was 5-6 hours drive from the city which is one of the beautiful beaches here. Pictures of the same on the internet and also as informed by locals in the city did say that one should go to this beach if you are in Makassar. Other plan was to have the City Tour, Fort, Waterfall, Butterfly Park, Caves and all. Frankly saying, I was in the dilema that what should I do and where should I go. I was not very excited for either of them as always had in the mind to go to Bali, but due to the secutiry reasons and whatever, it did not work out. So both of these plans were just Ok or 50-50 for me.When I was asked, I said to the team that I will go ahead with one of them but maybe to Bira Beach as I was afraid if the demonstartions keep going, we will not be able to make the City Tour and I did not want to stay locked down in the hotel for the weekend. But, while sleeping on Wednesday night, I thought about this and tried to imagine both the situations. If I go for the beach, it will be travel, reach there, go there on the beach, sit, enjoy the beauty, nature. But, as far as I know myself, I love to go and be in the arms of the nature but....I don't know something, but maybe that something....., don't know what and I decided to change my plans and let Sabine know whenever I meet her next day that I will be going for the City Tour. I was feeling bad as I wanted to go but I couldn't go. Also, somehow I felt I might get to see many different things here in the City of Makassar on the weekend.
So finally, it was confirmed that four of our team members will be going for Bira Beach and rest all for the City Tour.Our team which had to leave on Friday afternoon for Bira Beach, had to wait till Saturday morning as the situation in the city got worse and IBM Security asked us not to go anywhere. But, we were fortunate enough that situation improved and team left on early Saturday Morning.
Both the groups have so much to talk about their weekend. Both the groups had an awesome weekend and enjoyed it the way they wanted, thats the best part of it. I cannot write much about the Bira Beach as I did not see it myself and felt it myself. Maybe, I cannot imagine and feel the same as whatever expeirences we are having cannot be explained so well in words, all this can only be felt. But, seeing the pictures and talking to them, it seems they had the time and the vacation they wanted. Best part is they are happy. Hey guys, But Missed You!!!
Getting on to the trip, on which I went. We started on Saturday somewhere around 8.50 AM in the morning. 3 small/young ones on the back seat and 3 big/old ones in the middle seat. Had great fun talking and pulling each other's leg all over the way in the car. First we went to the Fish Market. I don't think I have ever gone and might ever go in a Fish Market like this. It was near the port. Different Types, different colors, different sizes of the fishes could be bought. People there were excited to take the photos/pictures. We were also excited to take the pictures in difefrent poses. We felt as if we all were smelling after this and tried to smell each other. I Suppose we were not smelling but it was that smell of the fish market which pschylogically made us feel that we were smelling. But , it was a good place to go once in a while... :))
So finally, it was confirmed that four of our team members will be going for Bira Beach and rest all for the City Tour.Our team which had to leave on Friday afternoon for Bira Beach, had to wait till Saturday morning as the situation in the city got worse and IBM Security asked us not to go anywhere. But, we were fortunate enough that situation improved and team left on early Saturday Morning.
Both the groups have so much to talk about their weekend. Both the groups had an awesome weekend and enjoyed it the way they wanted, thats the best part of it. I cannot write much about the Bira Beach as I did not see it myself and felt it myself. Maybe, I cannot imagine and feel the same as whatever expeirences we are having cannot be explained so well in words, all this can only be felt. But, seeing the pictures and talking to them, it seems they had the time and the vacation they wanted. Best part is they are happy. Hey guys, But Missed You!!!

Getting on to the trip, on which I went. We started on Saturday somewhere around 8.50 AM in the morning. 3 small/young ones on the back seat and 3 big/old ones in the middle seat. Had great fun talking and pulling each other's leg all over the way in the car. First we went to the Fish Market. I don't think I have ever gone and might ever go in a Fish Market like this. It was near the port. Different Types, different colors, different sizes of the fishes could be bought. People there were excited to take the photos/pictures. We were also excited to take the pictures in difefrent poses. We felt as if we all were smelling after this and tried to smell each other. I Suppose we were not smelling but it was that smell of the fish market which pschylogically made us feel that we were smelling. But , it was a good place to go once in a while... :))
Next in line was the Fort Rotterdam. AS all other forts it was the place of history and our guide told us a lot about the same. Good place to go and see the history of this city. Fort Rotterdam is recognized as the city’s most iconic landmark. With historical traces dating back to the Kingom of Gowa from the 16thth century to colonization by the Dutch, this Fort has silently witnessed many episodes in Makassar’s history. Then comes Bit of sovenior shopping. We just went to two shops. Sorry Cheryl, not much shop today.. :((( but still we all could buy something.. :)))Next, we went to the Museum on the way to Gowa Area.
Again history and pictures.Then Lunch in the Gowa Area. Lovely place to have the lunch. In India also, many people sit on the floor and eat(maybe now its not so common), but for some of our team members it was a different expierence. But, best part was I got good evegetables to eat and I actually ate lots of food. My friends got good/fresh fishes to eat.Next was the Grave of the Sultan Hassanuddin. Good place. Ruth tried her level best to get some sad pictures, but she somehow managed the Pole Dance in the Grave.
Last was the Mosque. Maybe not the biggest of this city but it was very big and huge. Name is Al Markaz. It was somewhere around 6.30 PM. Prayer was going on. We went inside and I got feeling of peace seeing the people praying clamly. First, I just sat and was looking at the women who were praying. Suddenly some of them turned and saw us as if some who are so different are in their praying area. Good part was I did not see anger in their eyes that why somebody else who can be Non-Muslim is sitting here. Felt good to see it.After that they came and talked to us. Sat around us, we exchanged our names and details of who, why and all. Lia went for her prayers and then I just went to her and asked if she could tell me how the prayer is done. I have this feeling and strong belief that God is One and we can pray to him as we like but since different people pray in diferent ways so just wanted to know how it's done in this religion. This was the first time I Was in mosque so I wanted to know as much I could. She gave me her dress and then told all what happens. It was a different feeling. I just sat for a minute to feel it. Liked a lot!!! This is something, again I might not ever do it. Thanks a lot Lia for getting me the chance to pray in the mosque.

This was just one day of our Weekend, So many different things and not just one thing. Let's see whats waitin for us on Sunday.
This was just one day of our Weekend, So many different things and not just one thing. Let's see whats waitin for us on Sunday.
Sunday, again the same time, somewhere around 8.50 we left for the Butterfly and stunning waterfall known as Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park which is 50 Kms from the city. This was discovered in 1857 by Alfred Russell Wallace. The Bantimurung National Park has a total area of approximately 43,750 hectares and is divided into three major types of ecosystems, namely the karst ecosystems, a lowland forest ecosystem, and a lower montane forest ecosystem. The valleys of limestone hills and steep karts walls with tropical vegetation have made Bantimurung an ideal habitat for various rare and endemic species of butterflies, birds and insects. The word Bantimurung itself is derived from two Bugis words: Benti meaning water, and Merrung meaning roaring. Therefore meaning roaring waters. Others also suggest that the name Bantimurung comes from the words Banting Murung or smashing one’s gloom, meaning that here visitors can release their sadness or depressing thoughts through refreshing nature. The hills of Bantimurung-Bulusaurung National Park also hold wonders in some of its astonishing caves. The most notable of these caves are the Goa Mimpi (dream caves) and Goa Batu (the Stone Cave). Inside these caves, visitors can marvel through their interiors filled with fascinating stalactites and stalagmites. The dreamlike crystal clear stalactites and stalagmites earned the cave its popular name, the dream cave or Goa Mimpi. Among these caves are found prehistoric “hand stencils”, similar to the rock art of Australia.
Me before I start the trip.
We saw the Waterfall, Butterflies, Cave 1.
We went to the first cave which was a small one, acted like monsters and all. Waterfall was amazing. After this, Arun decided to go in the water for Swimming( he liked it a lot) and three of us (Javier, Marcelo and me decided to go to the second cave). As informed to us, it is 4 kms walk in the cave. Also, not everybody or many people go for this. Again, I took 5 minutes to decide if I wanna go or not. And finally, as I was telling Marcelo that I am afraid of trekking steep mountains but I always want to do it as I want to explore, see and get rid of this fear of mine. I suppose, I am not afraid of falling or anything but I am not able to trek properly makes me scare and hence I keep going for it again n again n take the risk so that one day I can do it well. Hence, I was back in action. We three left for the Caves. I thought, it would be like 4 kms just cave but it was not like this. It was a trek first and a scary one. After five minutes, I actually took two minutes again to ask myself if I should go back or take the U-turn. But, nopes I went ahead. Finally I reached the mouth/entrance of the cave holding hands sometime, sometime on the knees, sometimes walking using all the four limbs fully drenched due to the rain (Worried for my camera in the bag). Now the caves saved us from the rain but it was not an easy walk. We walked on the Bridge made of wood, on the stones. I felt as if I was one of the characters of the books of Robinson Crusoe.

Weekend Ends with all smiles. Ready for the week!!!
Keep Smiling.. :)))
Keep Smiling.. :)))
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