We always knew table, chair, TV does not have life but clarity came in when we were taught the difference of Living & Non-Living beings in school.
Maybe that was the basis or foundation for us to understand that we live a life.
The life which is full of emotions, feelings of different kinds - care, support, love, hatred, anger, smiles, tears & many more....The life which is surrounded by family & friends..The life wherein we live for ourselves for sure but many a times for others also. The life where we have to give so many exams - Exams which make us grow professionally & also exams which make us grow personally.

Many a times life turns up - down. Many of us learn through these challenges & many loose themselves. There are phase in life when you don't know what you are doing & why you are doing. People keep asking what do you want to do, what's you plan 'for this', 'for that' , 'for next that' in life & 'next that'...And you don't have answer even for the 'first that' as you don't know where is your life going & what's happening with it. You don't know what you are doing right now is why you are doing.
Does this mean at that point - Life becomes a Joke???