Zoooooooooooooooooooom………..Bike passed by me so fast that it
almost gave me a heart attack. I stopped for 3-4 seconds, looked at both the biker and
the bike which were already very far from me and nodded my head.I normally walk down to near by places and even to my office
so have experienced such minor heart attacks n number of time.
Today being a Saturday and I was not in a hurry and luckily mind
was also not occupied with anything so somehow my mind drifted towards this bike
and biker.
Why was he driving so fast? Was he one of those young brats –
rash driver or was he in a hurry?
Normally when we see any biker or car driving like this, we
feel like shouting at them, abusing (if one can) and ask - Hey why are you
driving so fast? Can’t you see that people are walking on the footpath or
crossing the road and many more things can be said to him.
For sure rash driving is bad but today I felt that is it
always done intentionally or it becomes a requirement of that particular
The person who is driving fast must be of doing so coz. of
two reasons – One is for fun, show off and etc.. But there can be one more reason
which we normally never think that he might be in a hurry due to some genuine
reason, a reason which is making him break laws, giving minor heart attacks to
people on the road and would not want to say the worse of the things which can
happen in such situations.
I am not here to write if rash driving is right or wrong. For
sure, it is wrong and would never approve of it or ever try it.

I'm in a hurry to get things done
Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun
All I've really gotta do is live and die
But I'm in a hurry and don't know why....

If we want to live this life, enjoy the breathes we have; we need to live each moment and grow with the each smile of ours and around us. Life is more clear when we see and feel each moment but the time when we start running, it becomes blurred. We can find ways if we are not in hurry.
“Growth happens slowly, slow down today enjoy life without been in hurry”
Keep Smiling... :)