Few days back, I took this early morning flight from Delhi . All of you who are not from North must have seen on FB if not newspapers that it’s been very cold, foggy, biting, sometimes harsh and otherwise crispy weather in Delhi and around. Luckily, even I got the opportunity to feel the same for few days.

Looking outside the window pane of the plane made my eyes forget the sleep and wanting to live that moments via my eyes open rather than closed. 6 layers of Color around the plane got this amateur Zoe to put down something. From bottom to top (BlackàDark Orangeà Light Yellow àGryeishà Off White àLight Blue) For sure, this is not VIBGYOR, but it was awesome.

Huge turbulence in the air, the pilot asked the passengers not to panic and fasten the seat belts; But the flight did not stop, it kept flying through these dark clouds which was trying its level best to stop the journey of 200+ people.
But, our plane and indirectly we 200+ people gave a good fight to the black clouds and after some time, we could see the glowing red orangish sun. It was lovely to see so much brightness and feel the same inside. I could feel the energy flowing in me.
As usual, I tried to relate this to the human life. Whenever any hindrance comes in our life, some of us keep moving and others stop. Isn’t it? Wasn’t this scenario so similar to our lives? Not sure, about the world, but from my view point I feel this journey of mine is very well part of each one’s of our life. This flight journey was so similar to the life which we all face/lead. Sometimes, life is full of sun and otherwise, it’s surrounded by black clouds. There is no way out that we can completely block these black clouds from entering our lives. But, it’s our call to give some punches to these black clouds to come out as winners. We should not stop even when the clouds are trying to overpower us. We need to give a good fight to these clouds and not let them surround us for long. As we keep walking through the odds of our life, we will face the turbulences which will deter us from moving ahead, which will ask us to stop, which will take off all our energy but as we keep moving, for sure we will see the bright streaks of light which will give back our energy to move and enjoy this life of ours. One day for sure, we will see that bright glowing Orange Reddish Sun which will again bring the smile on our face. Now it is our call what do we want to have.