Recalling something made me post on FB few days back:
You love some dates…
You hate some dates
You want to remember each and every moment of some dates...
You want to avoid each and every moment which reminds us of some dates....
One Single Date, You love it n You hate it...
Poor little Date, what should it do???
There were some comments and this made me think more and I decided to put down something after a long time.
We all have some or the other dates – B’day, Anniversaries, Engagement, first day when he took my hand in his, first date when he gave me a flower, divorce, first date when we fought and many more such dates. Some of these dates, we forget, but some dates either bring smile on our face and some make us look at the wall for hours n hours and at the end make the eyes watery.
Sometime back, I heard two of my friends:
Hey Nisha, I hope you are coming over to my place for the party tomorrow. It’s my 2nd Marriage Anniversary. I am so thankful to my hubby to be on my side. Thanks to God, for getting us together.
Ohh, Richa that’s good to hear…Congrats and All the Best for the coming years….Tomorrow is my Anniversary also, but I got divorced 2 years back on the same date.
One date – Bringing the Smile on Richa’s face and tears in Nisha’s eyes.
Irony of The Poor Little Date
We all have faced such situations, isn’t it? There are some dates in each one of our lives which we just love it, want to celebrate it each month, each year and look forward for it to come back again n again.
For sure, on the other side of the coin, there are some dates about which when we think, brings goosebumps, tears, loud cry, shivers all over the body.
Is it the mistake of this poor little date? Or let’s try blaming our luck, that such n such thing happened, coz. time was bad or it’s our bad luck or the day was not good to start this event and many more such reasons.
What say??? Which one do you believe in?
Friends, none of the above is the actual fact. You know, I know, We all know. It is just that we always try to find something to blame on for all the bad things which have happened to us in our lives. It is just the state of mind. So, It’s not any type of our luck coz. of which one is smiling and other is sad. It’s just some situations, certain circumstances which let you be on either side of the river. Most of us think that if we were only in some other place, had someone else in our life, or had some other job, we would be happy. Well, that is doubtful.
So, I feel that get as much happiness out of what you are doing as you can and don't put off being happy until some future date.
Everybody says and even big philosophers have said - Time is the biggest healer. But, somehow from my view point, time is a healer for sure but can you forget certain things, certain dates of your life which made you change your direction of life, your thoughts, your lifestyle, changed you as a person. Can you forget those dates???? Can time heal this??? Sorry to say but as per my views “NO”. Also, I feel, we should not forget those dates. But, yes we should not keep crying, cribbing over it. We are also entitled to get the best from our Dates. So, yes the time is the healer in the sense that it gives you the direction gradually, gradually to flow with what is happening or to flow the other way round, or to change your path. A day, good or bad, always passes by n u get something else. And we just hate or like a date.
What say!!! Let’s live each experience as it passes; the way we live our seasons, days; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. Maybe each experience of mine till date and in the coming days, had and will have the date with destiny, so I need to be pretty and at my best. Isn’t it, I need to look the best for my dates.
I got some comments on my FB Post. Let’s try to look at those angles also.
I am sure, most of you must have gone on Dates. Some might have turned out sweet and some sour. So, either blind or planned dates which we go out for, somehow land in either being bad or good. Similar to the above lines, might make you remember it forever either this way or the other way.
Let’s check out one more angle – Dates. Have you eaten Dates. Some of you like and some don’t. Again, poor single date – loved by some and hated by some.
So whichever, whatever types of dates you talk, it finally seems to have two sides, for some it’s good and for some its bad. Same thing/ same situation but two results. At this point I am able to recall one comedy serial which used to come on SAB TV where this character used to keep saying that if you do this, there are two options and that his infinite options used to irritate people but today looking back, there was so much weight in that comedy.
Would like to say even if a particular date was good or bad, Date is important coz. What is done on those dates is of value. So, let’s not wait for dates to tell or figure out how one should live his life. We should just live and enjoy the moment. Atleast try to……
As someone has said:
With a bit of a mind flip………………
You're into the time slip.
And nothing can ever be the same…………
You're spaced out on sensation.
Like you're under sedation………………
Let's do the time-warp again.